Hourly Rates

Therapeutic Massage Sliding Scale
$70 – $90 Per Hour

The sliding scale allows us to provide therapeutic massage based on income level, so that even those with low incomes can take advantage of the healing power of therapeutic massage. The scale evaluates the rate based on a combination of income and the number of persons in the household. 

Meditation instruction is not based off of a scale.

Our Sliding Scale

First, find the number of persons in your household. Second, navigate from left to right until you find the amount your household’s combined income matches. Household combined income is the amount everyone in the household earns added together. This is the price of your service per hour. 

Persons in Household



Less than $45,800
Less than $62,000
Less than $78,170
Less than $94,570
Less than $110,740
Less than $126,870
Less than $143,330
Less than $159,170


$45,800 to $62,500
$62,000 to $84,500
$78,170 to 106,600
$94,570 to $129,000
$110,740 to $151,000
$126,870 to $173,000
$143,330 to $195,000
$159,170 to $217,000


$62,500 or more
$84,500 or more
$106,600 or more
$129,000 or more
$151,000 or more
$173,000 or more
$195,000 or more
$217,000 or more

Book a Visit

Relaxation Massage

If you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or like you have not experienced consistent feelings of well-being recently, a slow massage focused on accessing the parasympathetic nervous system is right for you.

Pain Management Massage

Alternatively, if you are experiencing chronic pain from an old injury, repetitive movement or postural holding patterns, a pain management massage is likely best. A pain management massage will begin with a postural assessment by your therapist. The assessment will determine which combination of modalities on particular muscle groups is likely to have maximum pain reduction and increase in functional movement and strength. Our therapist may also refer you to other practitioners if massage is not the correct modality. Book a pain management massage now